منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد

Contributor Agreements

It should be clear by now that I've gave up on blogging. Couple things I found worth writing down for da Nets today:

By way of GNOME Foundation Board of Directors election discussion I read the this LWN piece titled "Mark Shuttleworth on companies and free software". A couple remarks on it:

  • I have a lot of respect for Mark and all, but, is that really what he believes?
  • Mark would make a great Republican politician!
  • "Project Harmony", that name has worked in the past. Twice. One resulted in Free Qt, the other in Free Java. What would it do this time?

In other, more this-worldly, news, Bixi arrived in Toronto. It has become my favorite mode of transportation in downtown core.