I didn\'t blog for almost three months! It has been a hectic few months, I\'ve had so much on my plate I could hardly get anything done. So I spent some time this week unsubscribing from tens of mailing lists, and even more website newsletters, trying to bring my incoming emails considerably down so I can actually get work done. I think I\'m there now. I\'m still on all the core lists relevant to my work (font & text related lists; and haven\'t unsub\'ed from foundation-list yet) and hope to do a better job pushing harfbuzz as well as maintaining pango, fontconfig, and vte. Anyway, it\'s easy enough to find my email. Feel free to send me mail or CC me on discussion I should be reading. And I try to do a better job of posting what I\'m up to.
برچسب ها : gtd