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Things to consider while choosing a carpet cleaner machine


Homeowners who clean their home carpets occasionally may choose to rent a carpet cleaning machine or hire a professional carpet cleaner. But, people who have lot of carpeting as well as pets and kids playing in and around the home might consider buying a carpet cleaning machine. Here are the things they have to consider while buying any of carpet cleaner models available in the market. Rental cleaners are available at local supermarket or hardware store for few dollars a day. These carpet shampooers combine two tanks for holding cleaning solution and dirty solution individually. These will also have a moving or fixed brush into a heavy unit. Full sized cleaners are less bulky and lighter than typical rental cleaning machines. Most of these machines operate by scrubbing in the water and detergent solution and vacuuming up the dirt and water. Another thing to be considered is the compact cleaners. These are ideal for small jobs and to tackle stains.

Features to look for in good carpet cleaners

Here are some good features people must look for in good carpet cleaners:

  • Attachments: On upright machines, attachments let users clean stairs, upholstery, base floors as well as tight spots between household items like furniture.
  • Moving brush: Moving brushes can give more aggressive scrub or cleaning than fixed brushes that moves only when the user pushes the machines.
  • Long hose: A lengthier vacuum hose is able to reach stairs easily. The heavier the machine, the tougher it is to handle.
  • Belt free: Most of the machines have a belt and it has to be replaced over time. So, carpet cleaners can choose belt free units.
  • Separate soap dispenser: A soap dispenser can dispense the correct amount of detergent or solution with water and shuts off for rinsing with water.
  • Tank shutoff: There are some shampooers featuring a cutoff operated by sensor. This feature works by stopping the suction of an extractor when the dirty solution fills the tank completely.
  • Tank indicator lights: When the cleaning solution tank requires refilling or the waste solution tank requires emptying, these lights alter the user about the status of these tanks.


Consider the review ratings and brand

Homeowners should also consider the brand and review ratings of the machine models. They can stick to some review sites over the web to read best carpet shampooer reviews. They can check out the features, price and accessories of the cleaners one by one. Then they can make a comparison chart to find which one meets their expectation as well as budget. The best rated carpet cleaners will be convenient as well as easy to carry or move around the places. They will also be flexible to clean gentle and stubborn dirt from the carpet. These machines will also guarantee users that they will not leave any soap solutions or residue that could cause issues. Once a person has chosen a carpet cleaner considering these factors he or she need to consider the brand of the machine.