Hello For My friends and happy new year , in last year (1390) , my manager defined a task for me about learning and implement application via PERL and defined sequence time for do it , of course I try start it in first day of new year (1391 jalali) but I didn’t think for use IDE , So I searched it on Synaptec and Debian Repositories !!! don’t panic ! In Debian repository you can find just FOSS softwares and you can use it without any preocuparse for free in use .
A simple IDE For PERL is Padre , Padre is an open source project with many participants. for download it you can visit it on : http://padre.perlide.org/download.html
Padre Is The Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment (written in Perl 5).
Padre is Ready for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Other screenshots : http://padre.perlide.org/screenshots.html
A table with many tools for Perl development. : Click Here
Padre blogs for learn it : http://blogs.padre.perlide.org/