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Run PHP 5 on TOMCAT with Quercus

Please first Download Quercus. Quercus say : Quercus is Caucho Technology’s 100% Java implementation of PHP 5 released under the Open Source GPL license. Quercus comes with many PHP modules and extensions like PDF, PDO, MySQL, and JSON. Quercus allows for tight integration of Java services with PHP scripts, so using PHP with JMS or […] ادامه مطلب

منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد

Do you know how to install tomcat on Squeeze ?!

If use squeez distro , you know use tomcat in squeez is difficult and it’s need change some access points : You must first install JDK and set environment variables . for install it please add non-free repository in APT repository configuration in /etc/apt/sources.list . for example : “deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free” apt-get update […] ادامه مطلب

منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد

Use Two Version of Firefox on a Machine

Often we need run a web site or web application via different version of firefox , for example firefox 3.5 and firefox 11 . For this action you can create multi profile for firefox , please follow me to create different profile (in MS Windows) : 1 –  Open CMD : c:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox -profilemanager […] ادامه مطلب

منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد

Set TimeZone in JAVA

Set time zone in a web application is very important , The importance for it is more peresent a service in several point in world (Internet logic) with different time , for example a customer use from you application in london and another customer use it from tehran , … . Example Code : First […] ادامه مطلب

منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد

What is Padre ?

Hello For My friends and happy new year , in last year (1390) , my manager defined a task for me about learning and implement application via PERL and defined sequence time for do it , of course I try start it in first day of new year (1391 jalali) but I didn’t think for […] ادامه مطلب

منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد

Discipline in workplace

Discipline in the workplace is the means by which supervisory personnel correct behavioural deficiencies and ensure adherence to established company rules. The purpose of discipline is correct behaviour. It is not designed to punish or embarrass an employee. Often, a positive approach may solve the problem without having to discipline. However, if unacceptable behaviour is […] ادامه مطلب

منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد

Objectives in LPI Exams

Objectives in LPI 1 exam : Junior Level Linux Certification Exam 101 Exam 102 More Info… Objectives in Farsi (PDF) a book for prepare in the test :  LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell For buy in iran : http://www.sito.ir Objective in LPI 2 exam : Advanced Level Linux Certification prerequisite : LPI 1 Exam […] ادامه مطلب

منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد

Bertrand Russell

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a wide-spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
Bertrand Russell
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منبع اصلی نوشتار زیر در این لینک قرار دارد


Often we say about CSS 3 , but don’t think about CSS 3 Properties . When i do research for css 3 got good knowledge about it . in CSS 3 you are ability for create vector objects in 3 dimenssion (X,Y, Z) . Of course CSS3 is not yet a W3C standard . CSS3 […] ادامه مطلب

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Most Used Command

Do you want know witch command most used with you ?   Follow below Command : history | awk ‘{print $2}’ | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head ادامه مطلب